So when you have a free weekend with no soccer games, water polo tournaments so what did we do? We headed to Madison for the weekend to pack as much fun in as we could in a little over 24 hours!
First Stop -- touring U of W Campus
We hit the lake first but too bad it was almost cold enough to snow!
Kids loved the boats! |
Surfing Wisconsin Style |
On the pier! |
We headed downtown to see the Capital. Such a neat building and on all sides there were weddings!
The Capital |
Hitting a Bar -- outside only.
Four little monkeys. If only this was the case in our life. |
Statute of Liberty! |
Tate on the rocks. |
It was like a dairy farm at the German Bar. |
Love that cow face. |
EB posing with a Badger. |
And can you get more fun than the Trolley Pub?
After dinner and State Street we headed to the Dairy School to see the milking. It was Saturday night and the two students working it were rushing to get their night started. |
We were all captivated by the fistulated cow. So much so that we want to go back for a "tour" of the dairy farm as rumor has it you can put your hand in the fistula. |
Check out the snot. Tate thought that was the coolest part. |
Yes, that might be snot flying out of the cow on the right's nose. |
After all that great fun at the dairy farm we moved right on to see the Michigan game. Of course, the Daniels family was cheering for Michigan and our favorite player, #1, Adam Grinwis.
There is Adam in yellow! |
Pure Joy! |
Love his excitement. The others were not smiling this big! |
Tate wanted lots of Adam so he could have them printed off. If ever my boys go on to play in College I will need to invest in a longer lens. My 200mm was not close enough for the Tate's liking.
Bucky came around and I suggested the kids pose for a picture and they all refused and Tate said there was NO WAY he was taking a picture with that Rascal! Cracked us up.
After the first half we moved to the "student" section behind the goal. So very disappointing how horrible the sportsmanship was from Wisconsin -- really no words for the unkind things said from the Wisconsin team. Tate had to leave it was making him so sad.
This picture is for Uncle Joe and Theo as Tate believes those are Seattle Sounders shoes. Last game Adam's dad said one of his former teammates had sent him shoes and he plays with the Seattle Sounders. |
Waiting for signatures after the game and to see Adam. Boys have moved on from wanting the entire team's signature to just Adams. |
So when you are a stalker, I mean fan of Adam's, you get to meet his wonderful parents. It was so wonderfully kind that they gave Tate Adam's old backpack and lots of pictures. Tate had Adam very busy signing everything. Truly, not sure you could get a nicer role model for a 10 year old boy. We are forever grateful for how kind Adam and his family are to Tate. I can only hope that my boys would be this kind to others. |
Adam and his parents. |
Picture of the night for Tate and Fisher. |
Tate's PRIDE AND JOY!!!!
Read: To Tate
Go Blue!
Signed by Adam
The next morning we were ready to take on more of Madison and headed to the Wisconsin Historical Society Museum. On the website it said it was open but we found out it was closed so we snagged a few pictures before we headed out for some farm fun.
Peter's friend from high school, Nance, had us out to her farm. It was like the city kids went to the farm. They were over the moon feeding the cows and horse carrots from the garden and loved everything about the few hours we spent there.
Trying to be excited. |
Feeding Ray Ray |
Nance and Cookie |
Tate so wanted the animals to come to him. |
That is what was left after the horse had a few bites. Tate thought it was so neat the horse ate from his hand. |
Harper got into the fenced in area to hang with the cows. Love her boats?
Look at that tongue! |
EB always amazes me and finds a four leaf clover. This one was huge and she said it would be her most prized four leaf clover. |
Okay the tongues are cracking me up and the fact that Tate, is tolerating it.
And Tate ate a yellow wax bean and LOVED IT!
EB did not have the same luck with feeding the horse. His tongue was freaking her out and she kept dropping the carrot. |
EB heard you could hold a chicken and she must have spent 30 minutes trying to catch one. She walked slowly and they were just a bit faster.
They have so much land and it was wonderful to take a walk and the kids LOVED climbing up to get a better view!
What is a fire without smores! |
Check out that carrot! Tate was so excited to wash it and then roast it AND eat it! |
So apparently the cabin does not have children living there as the loft is all open. Seriously, I about had a heart attack he was going to jump down from the loft. |
That grin means he is up to no good! |
The carrots are still roasting. |
Chicken holding time! |
Harper and the chicken. |
Even Tate got in on the action. I have no idea where Fisher was but he had no desire to hold a chicken. |
A family picture from a great weekend.