Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mean Mom!

Harper came home from school today and the first thing she said was I am going to look at military schools for Tate so we can send him ASAP. Well clearly that is not going to happen and then I became the meanest mom ever! Nothing like being the meanest mom ever with a camera! My goal was to get a good picture of her and Tate hugging and well that did not happen! :) Harper let me share these as I convinced her it would be great to have when she had a 13 year old daughter.
Listing off the ways I have wronged her.  Notice she still has her phone, how bad can it be.

Looking at Tate and irritated.



rolling her eyes

wanting to scream at me.

very irritated

hiding from the camera

maybe starting to pose for a picture.

looking away

almost ready to cave!

There is my sweet girl, almost ready to laugh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I. Told. You. Not. To. Post. This. Mom.