Sunday, August 4, 2013

Devils Head

Today was Peter's last day here in Colorado and before he was going to head home he wanted to hike. The kids were not too excited about as they are just fine playing with their friends and hanging out. The adults vetoed the kids and off we went. The road to Devils Head is miles and miles of a dusty dirt road so when we got to the parking lot we were pretty darn excited.
Ready, set, go!

What is more fun that a large smooth rock!

Maybe sliding down it!

Tate loved this butterfly.

Peter with the biggest smile ever!

The halfway point.  Nicole, Harper, Marlee, Mia and I all stopped here.  I was having a lot of altitude problems and was very light headed and just happy I did not toss my cookies.  The rest of them practically ran out of site as we watched them climb.

Peter took my camera.  I set it to auto and he was off!

And I got the camera back.....

The boys pretty darn proud of themselves.

All the kids and what the picture does not tell you is who is Simba!  Can you guess?
Fisher and Seid happy as can be!

Back at the parking lot.

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