The past 2 weeks since Fisher has been home has been filled with lots of things from smiles and fun times to some crying and not so fun times. Here are some pictures of our first 2 weeks together as a family of 6.

45 pounds and 47 inches

Visiting Tate in school on St. Patrick's Day -- everyone is green!

Not so sure about his hat.

Out to bike ride AGAIN!

Harper and Fisher.

Bike Riding.

My 2 little leprechauns.

2 seconds drawing with a new gift.

EB and Fisher. Note the drinkable yogurt. Fisher LOVES them.

No fear of Levi.

Fisher grabbed Tate and pulled him down to hug him and they were both smiles.

Love the "Family" sign that Tate made. He added Fisher as a star and wrote everyone's ages. For Fisher Tate added "new" and wrote 6 or 7 of maybe 8.

EB sleeping on her new soft pillows she had been wanting for so long.

All clean and hugging.

Harper doing her homework.

Tate wanted to read Fisher stories and Fisher wanted to listen.

Harper's all about me week!

Daddy and his boys.

My little artist Tate.

Yum Popcorn from Mr. and Mrs. Trimarco.

All bones!

We went super early to the MSI before it got too busy. Here is Tate running in a circle. He lasted 10 seconds.

Mommy and EB trying to relax. Can you guess who won this game of relaxation?

I love that Tate did his chart and entered in the people that were important in his life, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa and EB. For the subsequent questions they were all EB. Never knew 2 siblings could love each other this much.

Object of this game was to make a self portrait of yourself using shapes. Tate wanted to do the real thing.

EB got it!

Fisher, Daddy and Harper.

EB trying out some wheels.

EB loving the best climbing tree ever at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Bowling Fun.

Who needs to bowl when you can hold a baby, especially one as cute as Brody.